
GetListContents (listRef [, bSelectedOnly] [, bAsSelection])

Definition:  Gets the current contents of a list instantiated with InsertListObject or InsertEditListObject. For a selectable list object, you can specify true for the selectedOnly parameter to get only the highlighted rows.

You can also use this function with lists that are part of the standard MoneyWorks user-interface.

In MoneyWorks 9.1.4 and later, if the list is a list of database records, passing TRUE for both bSelectedOnly and bAsSelection will cause the function to return the highlighted records as a selection instead of as tab-delimited text.

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers.

See Also:

InsertListObject: Initialise selectable list object in a window

SetListSelect: Highlight a row in a list

SetOptionsForEditList: Set options for the list