
SetOptionsForEditList (listHandle, optionsArray)

Definition:  Sets options for an edit list (either custom or standard). You can use this to e.g. prevent additions/deletions or sorting of the transaction details list (say for a partially processed order where the user should not change the order). Pass an array of boolean values with key values from "allowSorting", "allowAdditions", "allowDeletions". You do not need to supply all values. Only the supplied option values will be changed.


SetOptionForEditList(listhandle, createArray("allowSorting", false, "allowAdditions", false, "allowDeletions", false))

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers in v9.1.7 and later.

See Also:

GetListContents: Get a tab-delimited string with the contents of a simple list

InsertListObject: Initialise selectable list object in a window

SetListSelect: Highlight a row in a list